
Engineering Center Energoservice started its work at the CIGRE 2024 Paris Session

The regular CIGRE Session is taking place in Paris from August 25 to 30. This is one of the most authoritative international associations that unites scientists and energy specialists and influences the industry development in the world.

The Session is held every two years and is the main CIGRE event.

Engineering Center Energoservice is a member of several CIGRE Study Committees. It takes part in the Technical exhibition and presents papers in the Poster Session of Study Committees B5 (Protection and automation) and D2 (Information systems telecommunications and cybersecurity). The poster format allows delegates to discuss technical issues with experts and authors individually and in the Group Discussion Meeting.

The company presents papers on the developments and practical experiences of ENMU merging unit (B5 Protection and automation) and on big data processing in low-frequency oscillation analysis (D2 Information systems telecommunications and cybersecurity).

Engineering Center Energoservice presents to the delegates several products functioning in conjunction: ECIT combined instrumental transformer, ESM-SV smart meter, ENIP-2 Panel multifunctional measuring transducer, ENCS-2 time sync module and ENMI-4m display panel.

Инженерный центр «Энергосервис» на сессии CIGRE 2024

Инженерный центр «Энергосервис» на сессии CIGRE в Париже

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